Joe Digi JoeDigi Boston

JoeDigi Joe Digi Boston

Going Out
Drinking Fun
Boston Pub Crawl
Party Bus
Boston Nightclubs

So several years ago.. I was given the
nickname JoeDigi, most of the BoyZ already
had nicknames, like Sphincter, Grog, P-Guy,
just to name a few. Anyways, this site started as a place to put our party pics.

Now its gone to another level, major parties, and
events, hot pictures, and a lot of laughs.

So whatever brought you here, I want to raise a
glass and toast! Cheers. Enjoy the pictures and
miscellaneous crap I post, and maybe I'll see you at one of our events this year. Sign up for the mailing list on the home page not to miss out.

-Joe Digi

JoeDigi Joe Digi Boston - Nightlife entertainer - DJ - Web Designer & Owner of the Boston Party Bus!
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This site is fueled by Dunkin Donuts Coffee, Support by Boston Web and Sticky Duck Media
� 2008 JoeDigi All rights reserved